For the past 21 years, Audiotechnique has organized and hosted an annual HiFi Show in Hong Kong. Last month, it was showtime once again! During the show, Nordost was featured in one of the largest rooms at the show, Room 421. This has been Nordost’s homebase at the Hong Kong AV Show since we began our partnership with Radar Audio, our premium HiFi distributor in Hong Kong and China, led by the friendly and dynamic Michael Wong.

Given the spacious room, Radar Audio made expert use of the space by setting up three dedicated systems. Each system was given a 30-minute slot, two presenters from Radar Audio, and a special manufacturer representative in order to impress attendees. Due to language constraints and the fact that the Hong Kong/China audience is more interested in the sound quality rather than lengthy explanations of technical solutions, we kept our speech to a minimum and focused on letting the music speak for itself. This approach has proven to be very effective in maximizing the exposure of all the manufacturers’ products, with a lot of music played.

This year, Nordost’s system featured a combination of MSB Technology for digital front-end and amplification, Vertere Acoustics for the analog front-end, and British speaker manufacturer Kudos to bring the air into motion. Everything was wired with Nordost cables, of course, using predominantly Odin 2, and Valhalla 2, with a few precious positions connected with Odin Gold. All power for the system was routed through our latest reference AC distribution unit, the QBASE Reference. Its unique, filterless technology ensured there was no loss of energy, which was crucial given the size of the room. Every ounce of power was essential for maintaining control while filling the vast volume of air with high-end performance music.

Over the three-day duration of the show, the Radar Audio crew remained attentive, helpful, and on their toes throughout the long hours. For instance, when a visitor became a bit too eager to appreciate the build quality of an Odin Gold power cord, which was securely fastened to a display box, the frame of the box was accidentally damaged. The Radar team responded with, “No problem,” and by the next morning, the box was sturdier than ever, with no visible signs of the damage. Professionalism at its best!

Leaving the Hong Kong show is always bittersweet, as working with the Radar Audio crew is such a pleasure. However, the show will return in 2025. Less than a year to go, and of course, Nordost will be there!