Nordost’s goal for Axpona 2023 was to put together a world-class, reference system with some of the best components known to hifi. We are happy to say that we achieved just that! And lest we be accused of being biased, we have the reviews to back it up!

The Nordost room in Schaumburg F, supported by our partners, VTL and Stenheim, and joined by our friends, dCS and VPI, has secured three coveted distinctions of “Best in Show” from Stereophile’s Jason Victor Serinus, The Absolute Sound’s Andre Jennings (as well as an additional “contender” for Best in Show by TAS’ Jonathan Valin), and Jay’s Audio Lab. As Jason put it in his show report, we “scored a bullseye” with our room with a system that “sounded like heaven”. When describing the impact of our system he wrote, “First, my attention was drawn to the natural and real sound of bass. On…Patricia Barber’s “This Town” from Clique, I heard the largest, most timbrally correct, believable, and luscious presentation of a double bass I may have ever heard from a sound system.”

While the most highly decorated, Schaumburg F wasn’t the only room where attendees could experience how Nordost cables impact a system. In the Nordost demo room with Holm Audio we wowed listeners with our live demonstrations and cable comparisons, and we were thrilled to be represented by several amazing companies who chose to showcase their products alongside our cables.
Here are some snapshots of Nordost at AXPONA!
Nordost’s main room featured our Odin 2 cables and QBASE Mark III, alongside products from Stenheim, VTL, dCS, VPI, and Lyra:

In Nordost’s demo room with Holm Audio, Michael Taylor and Amy Hansen impressed listeners with our cable comparisons!

Sonner and Holm Audio’s room featured our Norse 2 cables:

The Dali and NAD Holm Audio room featured our Heimdall 2 cables among others in the Norse 2 family:

The Grandinote room was wired with our Reference series Valhalla 2 cables:

Woo Audio’s headphone rigs were wired with up with Nordost cables too!