Nordost is always thrilled to receive and share glowing reviews from journalists and experts in the industry. However, when we get testimonials from our devoted and satisfied customers, it means that much more!
Thank you to Rocco from Italy for giving us a glimpse into his reference system, and sharing how Nordost has been such an integral factor in reaching “musical heaven”.

“I’ve tried many other brands of cables and audio accessories before (all top range products), but Nordost’s products perfectly match the neutrality, resolution, and tonality of my Burmester gear. The Burmester Reference Line system, set in my custom-built, concert hall-inspired, acoustic hall, delivers natural and substantial sound with a perfect tonal balance, sense of timing, and deeply impressive dynamics. It is articulate, polite, and large-scale, with refined delicacy, authority, great composure, and an alluring sense of refinement, coupled with just a hint of richness, that makes it easy to enjoy. In a few words, it is the essence of musicality. It processes with immaculate agility and subtlety to deliver low-key music with an exceptional transparency and smoothness. Even at very high volumes, the system never sounds rushed or stressed. Rather, it has a superb sense of fluidity, musical warmth, and an incredible wealth of details—the detail resolution is sky high.
In using Nordost cabling, my Reference System has reached “musical heaven” in terms of sound, and I’m very happy with the results achieved. There’s a natural side effect to this kind of insight that it makes music sound simpler (in a good way), allowing the listener to follow individual musical strands with ease. The sound stage is wide and deep, and populated by immaculately focused instruments. There’s a superb sense of sonic stability in the system that remains untroubled, even as the music explodes with adrenaline-filled dynamic shifts. The position, solidity, and intelligibility of instruments have a perfect precision in their virtual space and aren’t affected one bit. The Burmester Reference Line system manages to convey the warmth and feeling in the lead vocals with mesmerizing realism. To my ears, this kind of composure is rare to find, even at this high-end level; it clearly speaks to the heart as well as the mind, which is a rare thing. I consider the Nordost brand to be the absolute best of the best. They produce the highest quality cables with no compromise. With them in my system, I achieve reference-level sonic performance as I have never, in my humble experience, heard before. Cheers.“

Rocco’s system uses Valhalla, QRT, and Sort Systems.
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