Nordost is lucky to have such incredibly loyal and enthusiastic customers! One great way that our fans let us know that they are happy with the work that we do is by sending us pictures of their Nordost products in action. Here are a few photos that have been shared with us recently. Feel free to send us pictures of Nordost in your system so that we can continue to share them with the whole Nordost family!

“That moment you know things are about to get seriously better smile emoticon.” – Hanson Audio Video LLC

“Trying out the new Nordost Cables Heimdall2 upgrade cable for OPPO PM-1 #headphones on the AURALiC Taurus amp.”- HiFiGuy 528

“The QX4 has made an unbelievable difference to the sound on my system. Quite extraordinary !” – Nav Garayal

Nordost’s Heimdall 2 Headphone Cable was an integral part of Woo Audio’s presentation at CanJamSoCal2015!

“just picked up some wonderful heimdall2 speaker wire. added such a degree of smoothness and warmth that i thought was not possible.” – Colleen Connelly Christner