Nordost is lucky to have such incredibly loyal and enthusiastic customers! One great way that our fans let us know that they are happy with the work that we do is by sending us pictures of their Nordost products in action. Here are a few photos that have been shared with us recently. Feel free to send us pictures of Nordost in your system, via Facebook,, or #nordostcables on Instagram, so that we can continue to share them with the whole Nordost family!

“No better way to get the most out of a 20 year old pair of mint B&W 805 Nautilus than to commit to Nordost Heimdall 2 Speaker and Jumper Cables!” – @jimmy_hifi

@phillipwangusa shared this cool black and white shot of his OPPO headphones and Heimdall 2 Headphone Cable

“Raw Power! The Heimdall 2 power cable from Nordost is built just like the mythological man himself, rugged, solid while seeing and hearing all. An enjoyable cable.” – @venothnair

“Today i have received my Nordost Sort Lift (4 sets) and they are outstanding” “It sounds really good, thanks to Nordost cables/products too. I really love the whole sinergy of system” – Rocco Ianni