Hi-Fi+ Reviews the QNET Network Switch

We are excited to share our first review featuring our newly released QNET Network Switch. The results are in, and they confirm what we already knew: according to Hi-Fi+, “Nordost’s QNET is very much made of ‘The Right Stuff’”!

At the High End Show in Munich this past May, editor of Hi-Fi+, Alan Sircom, sat down for a QNET demo and was so blown away by its effects that he couldn’t help but write up a full review! Alan was able to try both the QNET alone, and with the QSOURCE as an upgrade, and was very impressed by both results, saying, “…the QNET on its own is a strong product in and of itself. I’d argue that even without the power supply, it is already in the top percentile audio-grade network switches. But as soon as you move from the plug-top power to the QSOURCE, there’s a jump to be had.” Alan praises the QNET for making his music more ‘believable’…more than any other network switch he has come upon, and states that it even caused him to rethink the order in which he recommends people upgrade their home network! 

“Thanks to Nordost QNET, network audio just took a leap forward in listenability.” – Alan Sircom, Hi-Fi+ 

You can now see Alan’s QNET article on the Reviews Page of the Nordost website. 

Or, read it in its entirety here: Nordost QNET Network Switch

One thought on “Hi-Fi+ Reviews the QNET Network Switch

  1. It would be nice to see some measurement data about the efficacy of the Qnet switch including analog results. I am a believer, but many people are not convinced it makes a difference.

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