By Michael Taylor
We’re all in this for the music right? We sit back in our chairs and get immersed into what the artist is trying to convey to us. We try to pick out the nuances that truly makes music….music. Some people are better at it than others, because they helped create those nuances. Nordost is lucky to know one of those people that did exactly that! Our awesome partner up in Toronto at Executive Stereo, Ed Stone, was a Recording Engineer on many popular albums that we all know way too well! Take a peek at a display he has in his store that showcases just some of the albums he worked on. Triumph, Red Rider, Rod Stewart, and Black Sabbath to name just a few. We think it’s safe to say Ed knows music insanely well!
Rock on!
Squamous cell melanoma is considered the most second form of carcinoma in the world.