We’ve received some fantastic reviews and awards over the years for our products. When we get new reviews, we do our best to make sure that everyone knows. We spread the word through social media, blogs, emails, and tell anyone willing to listen! However, once the press starts piling up, and new products start to get their time in the spotlight, these amazing reviews can tend to be forgotten.
While you always have access to these great reviews, thanks to the Reviews Page on the Nordost website, we want to make sure that if you are considering an upgrade, or just want to learn more about a specific product, you can do so easily. So… let’s take a look at Sort Systems!
This blog puts together some of our favorite Sort reviews, so that you can see all of these informative articles at once!
Nordost Sort Kone – Review by K.E. Heartsong, AudioKey Reviews
“The Nordost AC Sort Kones are far more than a tweak, and that to even consider them tweaks denies their stunning music-freeing abilities. We very highly recommend the Nordost Sort Kones as an amazing, stand-alone, portable rack system, that will allow one’s music to sing at a level above.” – AudioKey Reviews
Nordost Sort Isolation System—A Trio of Options by Kirk Midtskog, The Absolute Sound
Sort Kone: “All three [Sort Kones] reduced haze between images and throughout the larger soundscape. They helped contribute to a more organized and less splashy presentation… As a result, images were more focused and the whole listening experience became more relaxed and involving.”
Sort Füt: “The Sort Füt helped ratchet up my system’s performance across the board without any apparent downsides.”
Sort Lift: ” …Sort Lift reduced background noise and enhanced upper-frequency information… [it] also notably increased liveliness, transient crispness, and overall musicality and resolution.”
– The Absolute Sound
Nordost Sort Kone BC Resonance Control by Edgar Kramer, SoundStage! Australia
“Ranging from the subtle in some areas to the easily distinguishable in others, the Sort Kone BCs nevertheless made an overall undeniable improvement to my system’s levels of transparency, harmonic decay, detail retrieval and soundstage presentation.” – SoundStage Australia
Sort Kones—A Skeptics Backflip by Marc Rushton, StereoNet
“Track after track delivered more emotional renditions of familiar music, clearer harmonics in acoustic pieces, and an overall feeling of a system that had just found perfect phase. The width and depth of the soundstage had increased and the ever-telling foot-tapping had started” – StereoNet
Nordost Sort Kone, Füt, and Lift System Components by Alan Sircom, HiFi+
“Whether Sort Systems is the start, mid-way, or the end point in your Nordost journey, these components work, work in harmony with one another, and combine perfectly with Nordost’s more commonly thouhght of system compnents. Highly recommended.” – Hi-Fi+
New Methods For Quantifying Sonic Performance by Charles Zellig, The Absolute Sound
“[With the Sort Kone] An emotional threshold was crossed with involuntary toe-tapping and singing along with the music, greater clarity, vocal articulation, harmonic detail and overtone structure, ambiance retrieval, stage width, and focus of soloist, choir, instruments consistent over 7 different high resolution recordings…” – The Absolute Sound
Nordost Sort Kone Review by Fred Crowder, Dagogo
“Until now, the Finite Elemente Cerabasa… have been for most purposes my favorite solution to the vibration problem; however, the Nordost Sort Kones provide a very substantial competition at a much lower price… I can wholeheartedly recommend the Nordost Sort Kones as a major step forward in improving sound at a reasonable cost.” – Dagogo
Nordost Sort Füt by Paul Leung, Audiotechnique
“The effect is not limited to the amount of details revealed. It also substantially improves the three dimensional effect and the stability of the audio images. When I play chamber music…the sound of the piano becomes clearer and more transparent after Sort Füt were installed. Every note appears to be more pleasantly shiny…I can easily tell the musical instruments “look” clearer and sharper.” – Audiotechnique