Nordost’s Frey 2 cable range is receiving some much deserved attention in the September issue of The Absolute Sound. Reviewer Neil Gader talked about the Frey 2 line after becoming acquainted with our Purple Flare range of cables last year.
“Frey 2… has rebalanced the scales, taking the transient and micro-dynamic elements of the past and integrating them with richer mids and a brawnier, meatier bottom end that gives orchestral music more discernible, atmosphere and weight. In a word, there’s more fidelity to the live event.” – Neil Gader
You can now read Neil’s article, Nordost Frey 2 Speaker Cable and Interconnects—Evolving and Improving, on the review section of the Nordost website.
I own the Frey2 speaker and interconnect cable. It is extremely fast, open and musical with extreme high frequency extension and air. It was a tremendous upgrade from the Red Dawn I was previously using. It’s a bargain given its level of performance. I use it in a reference system including a Plinius amp, SME 30 table with Graham arm and Koetsu stone bodied cartridge. My dac, CD player and streamer are by naim. My speakers are Harbeth 40.1s
I could not recommend Frey 2 more highly. Makes me wonder what Valhalla would do for the system
That really sound interesting. I do have a Burmester CD/amp/speakers, and I am equipped with red dawn between the CD player and amp and with speaker cables. Do you think upgrading to Frey2 really would make a difference. I would really like to hear more……..
Yes you will find a significant amount of improvement by switching your Red Dawn to Frey 2 Speaker Cables. By making this switch, you will not only be adding more conductors at a gauge that provides more weight or “body” to the sound, but you will also be benefiting from Nordost’s patented Micro Mono-Filament Technology and mechanically tuned lengths in the Frey 2 Speaker Cables, neither of which are in our Leif ranges. With these improvements you can expect to hear more width and depth in the soundstage, more separation, better imaging characteristics, and far better detail.
Of course, it is always better to hear those differences yourself. I suggest that you call your local Nordost dealer to set up an at home demo so that you can hear the Frey 2 in your own system.
Thanks a lot for the feedback! No doubt I’ll discuss and find out more with or at Oslohifiicenter, my go-to store.
I have the Heimdall 2 speakers and interconect XLR, I’m thinking of an upgrade but I doubt if I go by Frey 2, or Tyr 2, which I notice more difference? obviously is more money in the Tyr 2 …. the specific question is whether I notice much difference between Heimdall 2 and Frey 2 !!!
I have the Heimdall 2 speakers and interconect XLR, I’m thinking of an upgrade but I doubt if I go by Frey 2, or Tyr 2, which I notice more difference? obviously is more money in the Tyr 2 …. the specific question is whether I notice much difference between Heimdall 2 and Frey 2 !
Absolutely, the reason we only make 9 different cable models is we want to ensure every time you go up just one model there is an audible difference. One step up will always result in improvement and if you go up two models the difference is even larger.