Nordost is lucky to have a wonderful team of representatives and product trainers who travel around the world educating and demonstrating the effects of Nordost’s products. As part of these demonstrations, it is our job to find an interesting and diverse selection of music to showcase our cables, power devices, sort system and accessories. Whether at shows, visiting our dealers and distributors or even in our own listening room in our headquarters in Holliston, we are constantly getting asked what music we are playing (or if our audience is not so bold to ask, we can see their Shazams working overtime). So we thought this would be a perfect opportunity to share our favorite songs of the moment. Some may be classics, some may be brand new, some may not even be to your taste, but one thing is for sure …it’s all great music.
Here are some of the songs that we will have on rotation this June.
- Kiko—Dead Can Dance—Anastasis (Sampler)
- Man in the Long Black Coat—Bob Dylan—Oh Mercy
- Wicked Game-Live at Killkenny Arts Festival, Ireland/2011—James Vincent McMorrow—We Don’t Eat EP
- Trouble’s What You’re In-Spotify Exclusive—Fink—Fink Spotify Exclusive
- After the Cold Rush—k.d. land—Hymns of the 49th Parallel
- Human—Rag’n’Bone Man—Human (Deluxe)
- Slow—Leonard Cohen—Popular Problems
- Something To Believe In-Live Acoustic—Young the Giant—Something To Believe In
- Drew Barrymore—SZA—Drew Barrymore
- Alla Luce Del Giorno—Ennio Morricone–Metti Una Sera A Cena (Gold Tracks)