Nordost at the Hong Kong High-End Audio Visual Show 2016 Recap

It is always a pleasure to work with our Chinese distributor, Radar, on the Hong Kong High-End Audio Visual Show.  As one of the most important audio and video events in Hong Kong and South East Asia, this is a spectacular opportunity for industry members to show their wares to a captivated audience.  If you did not have the opportunity to attend the HKAV Show this year, here are a few photos from the event.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA 2016 hk av show pix for nordost 007 2016 hk av show pix for nordost 008


Nordost at T.H.E. Show Newport 2016 Recap


This year at T.H.E. Show Newport, Nordost enjoyed tremendous success, both in our own room and in several other systems throughout the event.  Thank you to Maier Shadi for putting together such a first rate system to highlight our Reference Valhalla 2 cables.  The rest of our system was made up of Wilson Audio Sasha 2 loudspeakers, two Dan D’Agostino Master Systems Progression mono amplifiers, Dan D’Agostino Momentum preamp and phono stage; dCS Rossini CD transport/DAC and dCS Rossini Clock; Brinkmann Balance turntable with SAT pickup arm, Lyra Atlas cartridge, and Minus K Vibration isolation base for the Brinkmann, and Stromtank Independent Power System.

For more information about the other fantastic systems featuring Nordost cables, see the following show reports:

If you weren’t able to make it to the show, please enjoy some photos below!

Nordost’s Michael Taylor and Maier Shadi of the Audio Salon were in the house to give some great demonstrations!

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We used the amazing Wilson Sasha 2s in our systemIMG_6701

As always, we had our system equipped with QRTIMG_6704

And Sort Füt too!IMG_6707 IMG_6709

The Nordost room wasn’t the only place to hear Nordost cables in action:

Nola’s room was outfitted with Odin 2 and had their speakers internally wired with Nordost too!

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Source AV had a Questyle and Focale system wired with Nordost Red Dawn cables, as well as several headphone rigs using our QRT, Sort Kones, and some Nordost cabling.

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Upscale Audio’s primary system was wired with our flaship line, Odin 2.  They also had a several PrimaLuna amps wired with Nordost cables, also featuring our Heimdall 2 Headphone Cable.

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Sonic Flare’s room was put together by Danny Kaey, with Wilson speakers and Einstein components, and wired with Valhalla 2IMG_6732 IMG_6739 IMG_6741


Finally, Woo Audio was using Heimdall 2 and Blue Heaven cables to feature their headphone amps:

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Pictures from Nordost Nation!

Nordost is lucky to have such incredibly loyal and enthusiastic customers! One great way that our fans let us know that they are happy with the work that we do is by sending us pictures of their Nordost products in action. Here are a few photos that have been shared with us recently. Feel free to send us pictures of Nordost in your system so that we can continue to share them with the whole Nordost family!

“Thank you. I must say I was never a ‘high end’ cable believer. I setup my new system (all tube) first with cheap cables. Then replaced them with the Nordost cables (power, all interconnects, speaker) and wow what a difference. I wouldn’t have believed it if I hadn’t heard it for myself. Truly amazing. Even my wife was shocked at the difference. Keep up the great work!”  –  John Mayhew


Matthias Zehentbauer sent us these great pictures of his Valhalla speaker cables and Sort Kones:12025463_10156169764610201_782982164_n 12060006_10156169764565201_527829961_o


Robert Paulsrud sent us these beautiful pictures of his Blue Heaven cables:12825506_1224612154219636_354729093_n12804351_1224612077552977_1389309318_n


Rainer Braun showing off his Valhalla 2s!  Thanks for the picture!13179098_1713688545555327_5418186808727771502_n


Hifinesse took some photos of their QB8 with Red Dawn and Frey 2 power cords, as well as the Odin 2 Tonearm Cable hooked up to their turntable. 13177117_1026425740728615_5642537282130806132_n10675606_973004079404115_6446812686258117200_n


System Reference GmbH shared this photo of YG Acoustics Hailey u. Carmel 2 with our Valhalla 2 Speaker Cables:13047837_1072404219482955_3402014379494896097_o

“I use a complete Norse 2 range in power cords, Tyr 2, Frey2  and Heimdall 2 plus a Purple Flare. They sound and look even better in the real world!” – Finn Audun Bergmann20160227_115805


Oslo Hi-Fi Center pushing the limits with this TC Sort Kone upgrade supporting a Chromecast  :-O12976343_266900160311790_1858332621_n


HembioConsult has their system outfitted with the very best: Odin 21947626_10154112948918469_8795158847272893927_n1933888_10154113033408469_3196123803455620271_n


Michael Tdj shared these photos of his QK1, QV2, and Heimdall 2 Headphone Cable!

“ALL ZAPPED UP :D”13221058_10205943903025906_8780003124901933413_n

“Heimdall 2 Ecstasy :D”13087773_10205826155562293_1657439916444453950_n



Nordost at AXPONA Recap

AXPONA impressed us again.  With a massive turnout and great atmosphere, AXPONA never disappoints. This year, Nordost not only partnered with our local dealer, Holm Audio, in three of their rooms, but we were featured in several other rooms throughout the show. If you didn’t get a chance to visit us in Chicago this time around, here are some pictures of our products in action at AXPONA 2016.


Nordost’s System:


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Holm Audio was responsible for several rooms, all featuring Nordost!



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Hanson AV featured our Valhalla 2 cables and QRT products:



Nola’s system was using our flagship Odin 2 cable line and even wire their speakers internally with Nordost cable:


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Mr Speakers headphones on display with our Heimdall 2 Headphone Cable:



Woo Audio was using our Blue Heaven Headphone Cable to demonstrate their WA7 Fireflies:


Pictures from Nordost Nation!

Nordost is lucky to have such incredibly loyal and enthusiastic customers! One great way that our fans let us know that they are happy with the work that we do is by sending us pictures of their Nordost products in action. Here are a few photos that have been shared with us recently. Feel free to send us pictures of Nordost in your system so that we can continue to share them with the whole Nordost family!


Ljudmakarn's system is outfitted with Nordost cables and QRT power products

Ljudmakarn’s system is outfitted with Nordost cables and QRT power products

Tom Shope shared these great pictures of his Sort Füt and Heimdall 2 Speaker Cables!

Tom Shope shared these great pictures of his Sort Füt and Heimdall 2 Speaker Cables!


Padood ltd shared this system with Heimdall 2 Speaker Cables!

Padood ltd shared this system with Heimdall 2 Speaker Cables!

System Reference GmbH shared YG Acoustics Carmel 2 with Nordost Heimdall 2 cables

System Reference GmbH shared YG Acoustics Carmel 2 with Nordost Heimdall 2 cables

Av Excellence shared this great shot of our Norse Bi-Wire Jumpers

Av Excellence shared this great shot of our Norse Bi-Wire Jumpers

Michel gives a demonstration on our QBASE Power Distribution unit at Hifi Bordeaux!

Michel gives a demonstration on our QBASE Power Distribution unit at Hifi Bordeaux!

System Reference GmbH shared this picture of some Valhalla 2 Speaker Cables

System Reference GmbH shared this picture of some Valhalla 2 Speaker Cables

Michael Mercer shared this shot and said, "GOTTA have Nordost Cables Quantum makin' sure my power arrives CLEAN and with the gusto I need so my music just FLOWS :) "

Michael Mercer shared this shot and said, “GOTTA have Nordost Cables Quantum makin’ sure my power arrives CLEAN and with the gusto I need so my music just FLOWS 🙂 “

Inner Ear Magazine's Ernie Fisher enjoying the Nordost room at TAVES

Inner Ear Magazine’s Ernie Fisher enjoying the Nordost room at TAVES

Pictures from Nordost Nation!

Nordost is lucky to have such incredibly loyal and enthusiastic customers! One great way that our fans let us know that they are happy with the work that we do is by sending us pictures of their Nordost products in action. Here are a few photos that have been shared with us recently. Feel free to send us pictures of Nordost in your system so that we can continue to share them with the whole Nordost family!

Thanks to Robert Paulsrud for this great shot of the BC Sort Kone!

Thanks to Robert Paulsrud for this great shot of the BC Sort Kone!

"Amazing sound!!!" says Roberto Facchinetti of his Nordost cable collection

“Amazing sound!!!” says Roberto Facchinetti of his Nordost cable collection

Thank you to Oslo Hi-Fi Center for this picture of the new Odin 2 Analog Interconnects!

Thank you to Oslo Hi-Fi Center for this picture of the new Odin 2 Analog Interconnects!

Oliver Stoessel took these shots of his Red Dawn and Blue Heaven Speaker Cables.  - "Amazing !!!!"

Oliver Stoessel took these shots of his Red Dawn and Blue Heaven Speaker Cables. – “Amazing !!!!”


"That moment you know things are about to get seriously better smile emoticon." - Hanson Audio Video LLC

“That moment you know things are about to get seriously better smile emoticon.” – Hanson Audio Video LLC

"Trying out the new Nordost Cables Heimdall2 upgrade cable for OPPO PM-1 #headphones on the AURALiC Taurus amp."- HiFiGuy 528

“Trying out the new Nordost Cables Heimdall2 upgrade cable for OPPO PM-1 #headphones on the AURALiC Taurus amp.”- HiFiGuy 528

"Our best solution!"- Da Pieve Hi-Fi Srl

“Our best solution!”- Da Pieve Hi-Fi Srl

Nordost cables complete with QRT power products, from Mikael Nordström!

Nordost cables complete with QRT power products, from Mikael Nordström!

"The QX4 has made an unbelievable difference to the sound on my system. Quite extraordinary !" - Nav Garayal

“The QX4 has made an unbelievable difference to the sound on my system. Quite extraordinary !” – Nav Garayal

Nordost's Heimdall 2 Headphone Cable was an integral part of Woo Audio's presentation at CanJamSoCal2015!

Nordost’s Heimdall 2 Headphone Cable was an integral part of Woo Audio’s presentation at CanJamSoCal2015!

"just picked up some wonderful heimdall2 speaker wire. added such a degree of smoothness and warmth that i thought was not possible." - Colleen Connelly Christner

“just picked up some wonderful heimdall2 speaker wire. added such a degree of smoothness and warmth that i thought was not possible.” – Colleen Connelly Christner



Munich 2015— Odin 2 Launch recap

Nordost’s launch of Odin 2 in Munich earlier this month was a resounding success.  We are tremendously proud of these cables, so naturally we had an amazing time sharing them with the crowd at the MOC.

Have a look below at some photos of our product demonstrations, system, cables, and displays from the High End show in Munich!


Demonstrating the new Odin 2 series:

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Our set-up:

20150527122414 (7) 20150527123306 AjfBtN6gNbbjBS-f9q-MPTU9lwFuGLyRRdbTzJv19YEB 20150527122427 (1)



The Odin 2 Cables in action:

11012904_869791393092853_4985163522088337298_n 20150527122425 20150527122425 (1) 20150527122425 (2) 20150527122425 (3) 11209496_869791429759516_7522126816311593015_n 11227859_869791436426182_3076310060166890763_n 10995619_869791463092846_7272769853124882557_n 10417714_869791519759507_3012194310207902755_n 11061315_869791573092835_3161239532746882008_n 10527398_869791939759465_1375522374716721382_n 11224641_869792656426060_2651000521293598048_n 20150527122428 (4) 20150527122429 (2) 20150527123418




Nordost cables on display:

AsBudpDmxYieY5XfEvyUOCV7V4iF9e-K29pwymWAD9oC AkziS14mwC-pfbeLHg8SI5zjmhjzaU9wF-Cf3jPCnYFp 20150527122429 (7) 20150527122426 20150527122415 20150527122414 (9)

ArINCOySsULM5U8TVOnG3uPMxh1oFb3YHUktqwedmicE 20150527122414 (1) 20150527122414 (2) 20150527122414 (3) 20150527122414 (4) 20150527122414 20150527122414 (5) 20150527123456 20150527123455

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Pictures from Nordost Nation!

Nordost is lucky to have such incredibly loyal and enthusiastic customers! One great way that our fans let us know that they are happy with the work that we do is by sending us pictures of their Nordost products in action. Here are a few photos that have been shared with us recently. Feel free to send us pictures of Nordost in your system so that we can continue to share them with the whole Nordost family!

A great shot of our Valhalla 2 Speaker Cables from fineaudio!

A great shot of our Valhalla 2 Speaker Cables from fineaudio!

"The system, containing a variety of Hegel Components, SA Pandion 30 loudspeakers and cables from Nordost." - Hegel Music System

“The system, containing a variety of Hegel Components, SA Pandion 30 loudspeakers and cables from Nordost.” – Hegel Music System

"Oh yeah! It's time to play upgrade a go-go. Nordost Cables #Heimdall2 #HeadphoneCable and Audeze LCDx #Headphones." - HiFiGuy528

“Oh yeah! It’s time to play upgrade a go-go. Nordost Cables #Heimdall2 #HeadphoneCable and Audeze LCDx #Headphones.” – HiFiGuy528

"Enjoying the Nordost cables set up immensely !!" - Nav Garayal

“Enjoying the Nordost cables set up immensely !!” – Nav Garayal

"I trust Nordost on my very best equipment! Both power AND signal" - Michael Mercer

“I trust Nordost on my very best equipment!
Both power AND signal” – Michael Mercer

"Power is often overlooked in a Hi-Fi system. If you can only buy one new piece of gear this year, consider the Nordost Cables #Qb4 with #Heimdall2 power cord. You'll be mad that you didn't do it sooner!" - HiFiGuy528

“Power is often overlooked in a Hi-Fi system. If you can only buy one new piece of gear this year, consider the Nordost Cables #Qb4 with #Heimdall2 power cord. You’ll be mad that you didn’t do it sooner!” – HiFiGuy528

A great pic of our QRT products at work!

A great pic of our QRT products at work!

ADHF hosting a Nordost listening session

ADHF hosting a Nordost listening session

"Sennheiser #HD800 with Nordost Cables are the perfect companion for WA5 headphone/speaker amplifier. Sony #HAPSZ1es Music Server" - Woo Audio

“Sennheiser #HD800 with Nordost Cables are the perfect companion for WA5 headphone/speaker amplifier. Sony #HAPSZ1es Music Server” – Woo Audio

Hifi Bordeaux had a terrific listening session too!

Hifi Bordeaux had a terrific listening session too!

A beautiful display of our Heimdall 2 and Blue Heaven USB cables!

A beautiful display of our Heimdall 2 and Blue Heaven USB cables!

Quite the Heimdall 2 setup!!

Quite the Heimdall 2 setup!!

Pictures from Nordost Nation!

Nordost is lucky to have such incredibly loyal and enthusiastic customers! One great way that our fans let us know that they are happy with the work that we do is by sending us pictures of their Nordost products in action. Here are a few photos that have been shared with us recently. Feel free to send us pictures of Nordost in your system so that we can continue to share them with the whole Nordost family!

The Los Angeles and Orange County Audio Society August Meeting: The Audio Salon, Santa Monica

A variety of Nordost products at work at The Los Angeles and Orange County Audio Society August Meeting: The Audio Salon, Santa Monica

Heimdall 2 Power Cord, Frey 2 Power Cord, QK1, QV2, QB8, and Sort Kones at The Los Angeles and Orange County Audio Society August Meeting: The Audio Salon, Santa Monica

InEarSpace: "Inside of my headphone travel case. On the left are my Sennheiser HD800 with the plusSound Exo Copper for Astell&Kern MQS Portable System AK240 connected and the stock cable underneath and on the right is the ZMF Headphones V2 with its stock cable and a Nordost Cables Heidmall2 for HD800 beneath it!"

“Inside of my headphone travel case. On the left are my Sennheiser HD800 with the plusSound Exo Copper for Astell&Kern MQS Portable System AK240 connected and the stock cable underneath and on the right is the ZMF Headphones V2 with its stock cable and a Nordost Cables Heidmall2 for HD800 beneath it!” – InEarSpace

InEarSpace: "Check out the Nordost Cables Frey 2 really working my system!"

“Check out the Nordost Cables Frey 2 really working my system!” – InEarSpace

Av Excellence: "Red Dawn and Blue Heaven with Martin Logan"

“Red Dawn and Blue Heaven with Martin Logan” – Av Excellence

Av Excellence:  "Arcam rBlink and Red Dawn"

“Arcam rBlink and Red Dawn” – Av Excellence

Woo Audio: "#WA6 and MrSpeakers #MadDogHeadphones is a great starter system for anyone new to tubes or to headphone listening."

“#WA6 and MrSpeakers #MadDogHeadphones is a great starter system for anyone new to tubes or to headphone listening.” – Woo Audio

The Heimdall 2 Headphone Cable hooked up to SENNHEISER HD 800 headphones at the California Audio Show

System outfitted with Valhalla 2 and QRT at the California Audio Show

The Heimdall 2 iKable being put to use in a car!

The Heimdall 2 iKable being put to use in a car!