Hong Kong High-End Audio Visual Show Wrap Up

This past weekend the Nordost team had a blast supporting our distributors and good friends at Radar for The Hong Kong High-End Audio Visual Show. Throughout the show Radar featured Nordost’s entire range, including our power products and resonance control devices. It was absolutely wonderful to see all of the enthusiasm people have for hifi and to witness the crowds that came out to participate in the event!

For those of you who couldn’t make the journey to experience it for yourselves, here are a few pictures of The Hong Kong High-End Audio Visual Show 2014. We hope to see you all there next year!


Nordost at the Hong Kong High-End Audio Visual Show

av hong kongCome and join Nordost at the Hong Kong High-End Audio Visual Show this year August 8-10 in the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Center. Nordost will be represented in the RADAR suite, S421. The Hong Kong High-End Audio Visual Show is one of the most important events in the audio and visual industry in Hong Kong and South East Asia, and we are excited to be involved!  

Munich Wrap Up

The High End Show 2014 in Munich has come to an end, and Nordost couldn’t be happier with the results. We unveiled a number of new innovations this year in Munich, including the Tyr 2 Power Cord, the Blue Heaven and Heimdall 2 iKables, and the Heimdall 2 Headphone Cable.  The reaction that we received was overwhelming! We are so excited to finally release these products to consumers, and we are sure that you will have as much fun with them as we do.

We just want to end by saying a big thank you to all of our dealers and distributors who came out to see us during the show, and thank you to Bjorn Bengtsson and Michael Taylor for their effective demonstrations!

For those of you who were unable to make it to Munich this year, here are a few pictures from the show!


Bjorn Bengtsson gave an incredible demo, as always!

Bjorn Bengtsson gave an incredible demo, as always!


Michael Taylor captivating the audience with a Sort Kone demo

Bjorn Bengtsson and Andreas Proske showing off the new Heimdall 2 Headphone Cable

Bjorn Bengtsson and Andreas Proske showing off the new Heimdall 2 Headphone Cable

Nordost president Joe Reynolds getting in a quick listen to the new Heimdall 2 Headphone cable.

Nordost president, Joe Reynolds, getting in a quick listen to the new Heimdall 2 Headphone Cable.

The brand new Heimdall 2 Headphone cable getting some press

The brand new Heimdall 2 Headphone Cable getting some press


The full Nordost cable range on display



The Nordost system

The Nordost system

QB8 loaded up with QV2s and QK1s

QB8 loaded up with QV2s and QK1s


Valhalla 2, Audio Physic Scorpio 25 plus+, and Sort Füt.

Valhalla 2, Audio Physic Scorpio 25 plus+, and Sort Füt.





Nordost at High End 2014

munich logo

Nordost is going to be exhibiting at the High End 2014 show in Munich, held at the MOC May 15-18. Product specialists and trainers, Bjorn Bengtsson and Rune Skov, will be performing demonstrations and answering questions in Halle 4 Room 114 as our VP of international sales, Johann Graham, takes meetings with Nordost’s international distributors. Demonstrations will feature several new products that will be debuted in Munich this year. Nordost is eager to share these new innovations with High End 2014 attendees, and is looking forward to seeing all of our partners and friends again. High End 2014 should be a fantastic show. We hope to see you there!

American Made Audio Cables – Innovation and Commitment

Nordost Building

By Joe Reynolds

Nordost is an internationally recognized brand. We conduct business in over 60 countries around the world. But what I really take pride in, is the fact that since its inception in 1991, Nordost’s products have been designed, manufactured and assembled exclusively in the United States.

The New England area has a long tradition of manufacturing and innovation, and when it comes to research and development this region is renowned. Distinguished universities and state-of-the-art research facilities attract some of the best and brightest designers and engineers from around the world. I am confident that this company was truly shaped by the environment in which it was created. With such a wealth of resources in our own backyard, we have been able to build our reputation on innovative products and meticulous attention to detail and nuance throughout the production process.

From our unique process of precision FEP extrusion, to Micro Mono-Filament and Dual Mono-Filament technologies, to breakthroughs in vibration control and finally to creating our own patent pending connector– the new HOLO:PLUG, all of Nordost’s processes, technologies and products are developed and constructed right here in Massachusetts.

We are committed to making all of our products in the US for many reasons. Nordost has a wonderful network of local partners who can deliver merchandise such as packaging and machined parts quickly and efficiently. We can control our quality more scrupulously because it is produced nearby.  We design all of our products in-house so that new models can be built and tweaked at a moment’s notice with our internal engineering team. But mostly, Nordost has a solid, dependable workforce that takes pride in the products they create, and we feel that as a privately held company we have a social responsibility to our local community and our employees that support us. Not only does this mean creating a pleasant working environment for our staff, but it also means making the decision to stay local even if the alternative may seem more cost effective.

In my opinion, a reason for the decline in manufacturing in North America is a rampant spread of short term thinking. Some publically traded companies are so preoccupied in their stock prices at the end of every quarter that they are forced to make rash decisions. While these decisions, such as outsourcing, may help the bottom line, they ultimately hurt their workforce as well as their local economy. Nordost is faced with the same decisions as these larger companies. Of course, we could source our cables (such as our HDMI cables) in Asia; however, we see the benefits of staying in America. Making our own cables means that we develop valuable knowledge and skills within our own company. As a result of this knowledge, we can produce high quality products today and will be able to continue to expand and push boundaries in the consumer electronics market in the future.

Nordost is going to AXPONA!

axpona april

Nordost is excited to be showing at AXPONA in Chicago next month, April 25-27.  This should prove to be an excellent event.  Nordost will be well represented by various local dealers.  AXPONA is a great opportunity to hear a variety of Nordost products including full looms of our Supreme Reference and Reference ranges, Odin and Valhalla 2.  Stay tuned to Nordost’s Facebook page for more information as the show day approaches.  We hope to see you there!

axpona chicago


Salon Son & Image 2014



Nordost will be headed for Canada at the end of March for the Montreal Audio Show, Salon Son & Image. This is always a great show, and we are delighted to be taking part in it again. Nordost representative, Bruno de Lorimier, will be performing demonstrations throughout the show (demos will be provided in French and English) in the Salon  St-Laurent. Nordost products will be available with amazing show discount prices at our sales booth on the mezzanine level. Show attendees will be some of the first to see and hear some of Nordost’s latest innovations including Valhalla 2, Sort Füt, Qk1 and the Heimdall 2 USB 2.0 cable. Salon Son & Image is taking place at the Hilton Bonaventure Hotel in Montreal, March 28-30. Get ready for some great sound!


CES Recap

CES proved to be a great way to start off the New Year! We were able to show off some new products, perform remarkable demos and see a bunch of friendly faces! For those of you that were able to make it to Las Vegas to enjoy the show as well, we hope that you had an excellent time seeing the best that consumer electronics has to offer!

Here are a few of our favorite pictures, as well as a great interview that Steven Rochlin did of our very own Rune Skov courtesy of Enjoythemusic.com, from CES. Feel free to share your own pictures featuring Nordost on Facebook or Instagram @nordostcables!

Rune and Bjorn giving a demo

All set up with Valhalla 2 and the Sort Füt


Nordost at CES!


Nordost will once again be showing at CES in Las Vegas this year. Both Nordost’s US and International sales teams and product trainers will be at the Venetian on floor 29, rooms 125 and 127, January 7-10. They will be running meetings for our loyal dealers and distributors as well as performing live product demonstrations. Throughout the show Nordost will be showcasing our latest Reference cable range– Valhalla 2 and demoing the dynamic effects of the Sort Füt, a mechanically tuned resonance control device which improves upon the standard spikes and stabilizers provided with loud speakers and racks.