Positive Feedback Reviews the QNET Network Switch

We are pleased to share yet another great QNET review, published last month by Positive Feedback. Marshall Nack, who has been working his way through the Nordost QRT product line, couldn’t wait to get his hands on our new ethernet switch. In his review, Marshall almost couldn’t believe the impact that the QNET had on his system, “…it was clearly a move forward with small improvements across the board, and one major shift. The transformation of soundstage depth was extraordinary, as flat space became deep. The impression of 3D was so great it caused me to question, could this could be an artifact?”. However, after listening to track after track, he was assured that it was not an artifact at all, just clear improvement.

“When Nordost released their QNET Ethernet Switch, I was immediately interested. I suspected it would impact the sound in similar ways as their QSOURCE Linear Power Supply, and heard it do exactly that. Both components are particularly good at resolving atmosphere, low-level detail, and timbral finesse. The QNET is amazing at reproducing space and dimension…using them in tandem brings you better sound. ” – Marshall Nack, Positive Feedback

You can now see Marshall’s QNET Review on the Reviews Page of the Nordost website, or read it in its entirety here: Nordost QNET Ethernet Switch

Sort Systems Reviews

We’ve received some fantastic reviews and awards over the years for our products. When we get new reviews, we do our best to make sure that everyone knows. We spread the word through social media, blogs, emails, and tell anyone willing to listen! However, once the press starts piling up, and new products start to get their time in the spotlight, these amazing reviews can tend to be forgotten.

While you always have access to these great reviews, thanks to the Reviews Page on the Nordost website, we want to make sure that if you are considering an upgrade, or just want to learn more about a specific product, you can do so easily. So… let’s take a look at Sort Systems

This blog puts together some of our favorite Sort reviews, so that you can see all of these informative articles at once! 

Nordost Sort Kone – Review by K.E. Heartsong, AudioKey Reviews 

“The Nordost AC Sort Kones are far more than a tweak, and that to even consider them tweaks denies their stunning music-freeing abilities. We very highly recommend the Nordost Sort Kones as an amazing, stand-alone, portable rack system, that will allow one’s music to sing at a level above.” – AudioKey Reviews

Nordost Sort Isolation System—A Trio of Options by Kirk Midtskog, The Absolute Sound

Sort Kone: “All three [Sort Kones] reduced haze between images and throughout the larger soundscape. They helped contribute to a more organized and less splashy presentation… As a result, images were more focused and the whole listening experience became more relaxed and involving.”

Sort Füt: “The Sort Füt helped ratchet up my system’s performance across the board without any apparent downsides.”

Sort Lift: ” …Sort Lift reduced background noise and enhanced upper-frequency information… [it] also notably increased liveliness, transient crispness, and overall musicality and resolution.”  

– The Absolute Sound

Nordost Sort Kone BC Resonance Control by Edgar Kramer, SoundStage! Australia

“Ranging from the subtle in some areas to the easily distinguishable in others, the Sort Kone BCs nevertheless made an overall undeniable improvement to my system’s levels of transparency, harmonic decay, detail retrieval and soundstage presentation.” – SoundStage Australia 

Sort Kones—A Skeptics Backflip by Marc Rushton, StereoNet

“Track after track delivered more emotional renditions of familiar music, clearer harmonics in acoustic pieces, and an overall feeling of a system that had just found perfect phase. The width and depth of the soundstage had increased and the ever-telling foot-tapping had started” – StereoNet 

Nordost Sort Kone, Füt, and Lift System Components by Alan Sircom, HiFi+ 

“Whether Sort Systems is the start, mid-way, or the end point in your Nordost journey, these components work, work in harmony with one another, and combine perfectly with Nordost’s more commonly thouhght of system compnents. Highly recommended.” – Hi-Fi+  

New Methods For Quantifying Sonic Performance by Charles Zellig, The Absolute Sound 

“[With the Sort Kone] An emotional threshold was crossed with involuntary toe-tapping and singing along with the music, greater clarity, vocal articulation, harmonic detail and overtone structure, ambiance retrieval, stage width, and focus of soloist, choir, instruments consistent over 7 different high resolution recordings…” – The Absolute Sound

Nordost Sort Kone Review by Fred Crowder, Dagogo

Until now, the Finite Elemente Cerabasa… have been for most purposes my favorite solution to the vibration problem; however, the Nordost Sort Kones provide a very substantial competition at a much lower price… I can wholeheartedly recommend the Nordost Sort Kones as a major step forward in improving sound at a reasonable cost.” – Dagogo

Nordost Sort Füt by Paul Leung, Audiotechnique 

The effect is not limited to the amount of details revealed. It also substantially improves the three dimensional effect and the stability of the audio images. When I play chamber music…the sound of the piano becomes clearer and more transparent after Sort Füt were installed. Every note appears to be more pleasantly shiny…I can easily tell the musical instruments “look” clearer and sharper.” – Audiotechnique

Stereophile Reviews the QNET Network Switch and QSOURCE Linear Power Supply

We are excited to share a highly anticipated QNET article which was printed in the most recent edition of Stereophile. Jason Victor Serinus’s QNET and QSOURCE review is an undisputed standing ovation for our network switch! At Nordost, our ultimate goal is to deliver the pure, unadulterated reality of a live performance to the comfort of a home sound system, and this review is a testament to our achievement. We are thrilled to spread Jason’s enthusiasm for this amazing product with you, and hope you can experience what the QNET and QSOURCE do for your own sound system. 

“I can honestly say that the QNet/QSource pairing transported me closer to my ultimate goal, which is to move closer to the source of artistic creation and the artists I love.” – JVS

You can read this review in its entirety here: Nordost QNET and QSOURCE Network Switch and Linear Power Device

For this, and many more fantastic Nordost reviews, visit the Reviews Page of the Nordost website.

Hi-Fi+ Reviews the QNET Network Switch

We are excited to share our first review featuring our newly released QNET Network Switch. The results are in, and they confirm what we already knew: according to Hi-Fi+, “Nordost’s QNET is very much made of ‘The Right Stuff’”!

At the High End Show in Munich this past May, editor of Hi-Fi+, Alan Sircom, sat down for a QNET demo and was so blown away by its effects that he couldn’t help but write up a full review! Alan was able to try both the QNET alone, and with the QSOURCE as an upgrade, and was very impressed by both results, saying, “…the QNET on its own is a strong product in and of itself. I’d argue that even without the power supply, it is already in the top percentile audio-grade network switches. But as soon as you move from the plug-top power to the QSOURCE, there’s a jump to be had.” Alan praises the QNET for making his music more ‘believable’…more than any other network switch he has come upon, and states that it even caused him to rethink the order in which he recommends people upgrade their home network! 

“Thanks to Nordost QNET, network audio just took a leap forward in listenability.” – Alan Sircom, Hi-Fi+ 

You can now see Alan’s QNET article on the Reviews Page of the Nordost website. 

Or, read it in its entirety here: Nordost QNET Network Switch

Power Cord Reviews

We’ve received some fantastic reviews and awards over the years for our products. When we get new reviews, we do our best to make sure that everyone knows. We spread the word through social media, blogs, emails, and tell anyone willing to listen! However, once the press starts piling up, and new products start to get their time in the spotlight, these amazing reviews can tend to be forgotten.

While you always have access to these great reviews, thanks to the Reviews Page on the Nordost website, we want to make sure that if you are considering an upgrade, or just want to learn more about a specific product, you can do so easily. So… let’s start with power cords! 

This blog puts together some of our favorite power cord reviews, so that you can see all of these informative articles at once! 

Purple Flare: 

DAR Reviews the Nordost Purple Flare Power Cord

Cutting to the chase: the Nordost cable sounds better. It shines a light into music’s murkier corners exposing greater subtleties, most notably lengthening the tail of each piano note’s natural decay And yet, paradoxically, the additional intensity brought by the Nordost wire also sounded more relaxed. Joining the dots between amped up fervour and greater repose…” – Darko Audio  

Blue Heaven: 

Hi-Fi Choice Reviews the Blue Heaven Power Cord

The overall performance is clear and refined with a very low noise floor. The Blue Heaven is certainly a very good value-for-money, high-quality power cable option.” – Hi-Fi Choice  

NOVO Reviews the Blue Heaven Power Cord

“With the Nordost Blue Heaven power cord connected to the amplifier, I was immediately rewarded with a lower noise floor and an improved sonic experience…There’s no question that as far as cables go, power cables play a fundamental role in the performance of an audio system. Even an affordable cable like the Nordost Blue Heaven power cord can make a significant contribution to improving your music listening experience.” – NOVO

Red Dawn: 

Hi-Fi Choice Reviews the Red Dawn Power Cord

“This is certainly a high-quality power cable worthy of any top-end system.” – Hi-Fi Choice

Heimdall 2: 

Hi-Fi Choice Reviews the Heimdall 2 Power Cord

“With the Heimdall 2 in my valve preamp power supply … All the instrument images are perfect and the double- bass, which is taut and full, balances perfectly with the piano and drums.” – Hi-Fi Choice

Frey 2: 

Audiophilia Reviews Frey 2 Speaker Cables, Interconnects and Power Cords

“The Nordost cables get out of the way of the music and the environment in which it was recorded. The focus is in the quality playback and not the cables elbowing for top billing. As such, they have outstanding synergy.” – Audiophilia

Tyr 2:  

SoundStage! Ultra Reviews Tyr 2 Speaker Cables, Interconnects, and Power Cords

“There’s no question in my mind that the Norse 2 Tyr 2s sound superb. Inserting them in an already great-sounding system previously lashed up with their little brother Freys, I clearly heard consistent gains in all categories of sound.” – SoundStage! Ultra

 Valhalla 2: 

The Absolute Sound Reviews Valhalla 2 Interconnects, Speaker Cables, and Power Cords

“While the cumulative effect of having an all Nordost cable system is always the most pronounced, the effect of merely replacing one single power cable to your amplifier—for example—is something to be experienced.” – The Absolute Sound

Hifi Critic Reviews Valhalla 2 Interconnects, Speaker Cables, and Power Cords

“V2 power cabling saw timing and swing improved dramatically, bringing greater drive and dynamic realism. Stereo focus also improved, with layers now more secure and solid, and the whole system seemed to breathe more deeply, with heightened shading and colour.” – HiFi Critic

Odin 2

The Audio Beat Reviews Odin 2 Interconnects, Speaker Cables and Power Cords

“The Odin 2 power cord replaced a Valhalla 2, which I had ample experience with; the difference — again, with just one power cord — was, in my own words, ‘Astounding.'” – The Audio Beat

Hi-Fi Choice Reviews the Blue Heaven Analog Interconnect

We are pleased to share another great, 5-Star, award-winning review from Hi-Fi Choice! Neville Roberts’ most recent Nordost review is a great example of what you can expect from introducing our Blue Heaven Interconnects into a sound system. As you will see when you read it, you can expect to hear nothing but positive changes! 

“This interconnect offers superb detail, a full soundstage and really refined performances.” – Neville Roberts, Hi-Fi Choice

You can find Neville’s Blue Heaven Interconnect review on the Reviews Page of the Nordost website, or read it in its entirety here: Nordost Blue Heaven LS Analog Interconnect

StereoNET Reviews the Heimdall 2 Tonearm Cable +

Nordost offers audio cables in multiple product ranges so that customers can find the perfect solution to fit their systems and budgets. “Step-up” reviews, like the series of tonearm cable reviews that StereoNET is conducting, offer a helpful way to better understand the improvements that are gained by moving up through our range of offerings.

In his latest review, StereoNET’s Jay Garrett focused on the Heimdall 2 Tonearm Cable +. Thanks to Jay’s previous review on the Blue Heaven Tonearm Cable +, he was able to make direct comparisons between the two cables and speak to the upgrades found between them.  

In his article, Jay describes the Heimdall 2 Tonearm Cable + as “ …a definite step-up from what the Blue Heaven Tonearm Cable+ was capable of. With the Heimdall 2 Tonearm Cable+, the music appeared more immediate and distinctly layered while remaining remarkably cohesive.” Jay was so impressed with our Heimdall 2 Tonearm Cable + that he gave it StereoNETs Applause Award!

You can read Jay’s Heimdall 2 Tonearm + review in its entirety, HERE

For this, and many more fantastic Nordost reviews, visit the Reviews Page on the Nordost website. 

Audiophilia and Mono & Stereo review the Valhalla 2 Ethernet Cable

We have recently received two great reviews on our Reference-level, Valhalla 2 Ethernet Cable. The reviewers, Matej Isak from Mono & Stereo and Anthony Kershaw from Audiophilia, were so impressed with this transformative digital cable that BOTH publications presented our Ethernet Cable with awards— the Mono & Stereo Best Buy Award and the Audiophilia Star Component award! Here is what they had to say about this very decorated cable:

“Nordost Valhalla V2 Ethernet offered a different, clearer, and more focused imagery, sounding less like a mechanical pulsating narrative and more like a tenacious non embellished sonic momentum.” – Matej Isak, Mono & Stereo 

“My time with all the Valhalla 2 cables was musically intensive, instructive and, at times, mind blowing from their wonderful effect on my system. A glorious set, echoed in the marvelous Nordost Valhalla 2 Ethernet Cable. If you have a musical, revealing setup with room and system synergy in place, I dare you to hear them in your system. Very highly recommended.” – Anthony Kershaw, Audiophilia

If you would like to read these reviews in their entirety, you can do so here: 

Audiophilia Valhalla 2 Ethernet review

Mono & Stereo Valhalla 2 Ethernet review

Or, you can find these reviews and many more on the Reviews Page of the Nordost website. 

Hi-Fi+ Reviews the Odin 2 Tonearm Cable +

With so many hifi solutions out there, it’s important to stand out. Historically, this has never been a problem for our Odin 2 Cables, and it looks like we still don’t have anything to worry about! Alan Sircom’s review of our newest Supreme Reference cable, the Odin 2 Tonearm Cable + is here and he was quite clear in his opinion when he wrote, “this is the best damn cable to hook a turntable to a phono stage. Ever”. 

We couldn’t say it better ourselves!

Throughout his time auditioning this stellar tonearm lead, Alan was taken with the detail, dynamics and bass articulation that our Odin 2 Tonearm Cable + brought to his system, saying:

“By rights, this veteran format should have long since faded from view, but Odin 2 Tonearm Cable + reminds us why that simply never happens, because despite its on-paper inferiority to digital, when listening to an album now, it has a sense of dynamic shading and time-sensitivity that makes all digital seem a lifeless affair. There is verve and lust for musical life in those grooves, and Odin 2 Tonearm Cable + will dig it out!”

You can read Alan’s review of our flagship tonearm cable here: Nordost Odin 2 Tonearm Cable +.

You can find more great Nordost reviews on the Reviews Page.

AUDIOKEY REVIEWS Auditions the AC Sort Kone

When we were contacted by Kermit Heartsong of AudioKey Reviews to audition our Sort Kones, we were thrilled to hear that after receiving our three Sort Kone models (AC, BC, and TC), Kermit decided that they were all so impressive that each one merited its own article! The first in this series of reviews is a fervent testimonial of the impact of our AC Sort Kones. In it, Heartsong insists that our Sort Kones be considered a new subcategory of audio component, akin to audio racks, that makes music more enjoyable and involving, and promotes a whole lot of “chair-dancing”. 

Heartsong writes: 

“The Nordost AC Sort Kones are far more than a tweak, and that to even consider them tweaks denies their stunning music-freeing abilities. We very highly recommend the Nordost Sort Kones as an amazing, stand-alone, portable rack system, that will allow one’s music to sing at a level above.”

At the end of his review, Heartsong dares readers to incorporate Sort Kones into their systems and then remove them, calling such an act impossible. To solidify his praise, Kermit has given our AC Sort Kones the AudioKey Reviews “High Nines” Award for exceptional price to performance ratio, mentioning that the Sort Kones represent the first ‘tweak’ to have ever received one of their awards!

You can read AudioKey’s review in its entirety here: Nordost Sort Kone Review

You can find this review and more great Nordost reviews on our Reviews Page.